Tuesday 2 November 2021


I am using Google forms to construct a questionnaire for my targeted audience and send it to people who are likely to watch our film. My questions will refer to age, gender, what types of films they prefer to watch, what influences them to watch a film and where they prefer to watch it. Our production team want to make a film that would appeal to young people aged 15-35 (target audience). This will be significantly useful to ensure the genre is appealing to our desired audience. Google Forms will ensure I gain my required data.


These are the type of questions I ideally intend to ask:

(Opening message) I would be grateful if you could complete this short survey on films and you're preferences.

1.  What's your gender?

- Male/Female/Prefer not to say

2.  What age category do you fit into?


3. What's your preferred film genre?


4.  What was the last film you watched?

-Type in answer

5.  What platform would you most likely use to watch a film?


6.  What platform do you use to find out about films?

-Social Media/News

7.  What is the most likely reason you would watch a new film?

-Type in answer 

(Ending message) Thank you for completing this form!


Responses and findings:

The results were presented on google forms as pie charts, making it simple and easy to read and gain the results of preferences, contributing to understanding my target audience. Here are the responses: 

1.  What's your gender?

- 50%: Male

- 50%: Female 

2.  What age category do you fit into?

- 100%: 15-24 

3. What's your preferred film genre?

- 60%: Thriller 

-40%: Romance 

4.  What was the last film you watched?

- Sinister

-The Purge

-Rush Hour

5.  What platform would you most likely use to watch a film?

- 100%: Netflix

6.  What platform do you use to find out about films?

- 100%: Social Media 

7.  What is the most likely reason you would watch a new film?

- To keep up with trends 

- Genre/Actors 

- Interests/Actors 

Overall, from my Google Forms quiz I was able to identify my target audience and their interests, which will enable me when creating my film opening to produce something suitable and wanted by my audience. 


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