Thursday 11 November 2021


From the Future learn course I'm following (Distribution: Connecting Films with Audiences), I have learnt that all products are targeted at specific audiences, known as a target audience. This allows me to understand who I'm producing my production for and therefore what's appropriate and will be the most successful to include.

 I needed to plan how I'd determine my target audience. Therefore I had to identify who they are (factors relevant include age, gender, ethnicity and social class), what their desires were (so my production would be successful and fit their needs), and how I could reach them (to market my film). I also needed to show how my research impacted and influenced my planning.

I began by investigating how brands define certain audiences, in preparation for creating my own audience profile for my AS Foundation Production. An example of this is when I noticed how Bauer Media, NME and Sky defined audiences. This assisted me when profiling my audience. 

From making this poster (by using the app Pic Collage) I was able to show a visual brain storm of the types of interests my target audience have, such as including their most used apps (Snapchat, Instagram..) as well as popular companies (The North Face, Netflix..). This visual representation is useful as understanding their interests influenced me to decide on a genre

1 comment:

  1. You have been following the FDA FutureLearn course on distribution and learned about how all products are targeted at specific audiences. In your subsequent audience research, you have investigated how professionals such as NME and Bauer Media profile audiences. You have created your own audience profile.



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